Spoken language in the medical field
Vol. 11 (2023)Il parlato in ambito medico: analisi linguistica, applicazioni tecnologiche e strumenti clinici [Spoken language in the medical field: Linguistic analysis, technological applications and clinical]
edited by Barbara Gili Fivela, Sonia D'Apolito, Anna Chiara Pagliaro, Vincenzo Sallustio, Maria Luisa Fiorella, Marco Siniscalchi
e-ISBN: 978-88-97657-70-5 [pdf volume]
Please, cite contributions in this volume as in the following example by replacing the bold parts:
Author. 2023. “Article title”. In Il parlato in ambito medico: analisi linguistica, applicazioni tecnologiche e strumenti clinici [Spoken language in the medical field: Linguistic analysis, technological applications and clinical], edited by Barbara Gili Fivela, Studi AISV 11:page–page. Milan: Officinaventuno. doi:10.17469/O2111AISV0000xx.
The volume will soon be available.
Forensic linguistics in a multidisciplinary perspective
Vol. 10 (2023)La linguistica forense in prospettiva multidisciplinare [Forensic linguistics in a multidisciplinary perspective]
edited by Chiara Meluzzi and Sonia Cenceschi
pages 1-152
ISBN: 978-88-97657-60-6 [print edition]
e-ISBN: 978-88-97657-61-3 [pdf volume]
Please, cite contributions in this volume as in the following example by replacing the bold parts:
Author. 2023. “Article title”. In La linguistica forense in prospettiva multidisciplinare [Forensic linguistics in a multidisciplinary perspective], edited by Chiara Meluzzi and Sonia Cenceschi, Studi AISV 10:page–page. Milan: Officinaventuno. doi:10.17469/O2110AISV0000xx.
The position of the speaker in interaction
Vol. 9 (2022)La posizione del parlante nell'interazione: atteggiamenti, intenzioni ed emozioni nella comunicazione verbale [The position of the speaker in interaction: attitudes, intentions, and emotions in verbal communication]
edited by Riccardo Orrico and Loredana Schettino
e-ISBN: 978-88-97657-63-7 [pdf volume]
Please, cite contributions in this volume as in the following example by replacing the bold parts:
Author. 2022. “Article title”. In La posizione del parlante nell'interazione: atteggiamenti, intenzioni ed emozioni nella comunicazione verbale [The position of the speaker in interaction: attitudes, intentions, and emotions in verbal communication], edited by Riccardo Orrico and Loredana Schettino, Studi AISV 9:page–page. Milan: Officinaventuno. doi:10.17469/O2109AISV0000xx.
Speaker individuality in phonetics and speech sciences
Vol. 8 (2021)L’individualità del parlante nelle scienze fonetiche: applicazioni tecnologiche e forensi [Speaker individuality in phonetics and speech sciences: speech technology and forensic applications]
edited by Camilla Bernardasci, Dalila Dipino, Davide Garassino, Stefano Negrinelli, Elisa Pellegrino and Stephan Schmid
e-ISBN: 978-88-97657-54-5 [pdf volume]
Please, cite contributions in this volume as in the following example by replacing the bold parts:
Author. 2021. “Article title”. In L’individualità del parlante nelle scienze fonetiche: applicazioni tecnologiche e forensi [Speaker individuality in phonetics and speech sciences: speech technology and forensic applications], edited by Camilla Bernardasci, Dalila Dipino, Davide Garassino, Stefano Negrinelli, Elisa Pellegrino and Stephan Schmid, Studi AISV 8:page–page. Milan: Officinaventuno. doi:10.17469/O2108AISV0000xx.
Language change under contact conditions
Vol. 7 (2020)La variazione linguistica in condizioni di contatto: contesti acquisizionali, lingue, dialetti e minoranze in italia e nel mondo [Language change under contact conditions: acquisitional contexts, languages, dialects and minorities in Italy and around the world]
edited by Luciano Romito
e-ISBN: 978-88-9765-749-1 [pdf volume]
Please, cite contributions in this volume as in the following example by replacing the bold parts:
Author. 2020. “Article title”. In La variazione linguistica in condizioni di contatto: contesti acquisizionali, lingue, dialetti e minoranze in italia e nel mondo [Language change under contact conditions: acquisitional contexts, languages, dialects and minorities in Italy and around the world], edited by Luciano Romito, Studi AISV 7:page–page. Milan: Officinaventuno. doi:10.17469/O2107AISV0000xx.
Audio archives at the crossroads of speech sciences, digital humanities and digital heritage
Vol. 6 (2019)Gli archivi sonori al crocevia tra scienze fonetiche, informatica umanistica e patrimonio digitale [Audio archives at the crossroads of speech sciences, digital humanities and digital heritage]
edited by Duccio Piccardi, Fabio Ardolino, Silvia Calamai
e-ISBN: 978-88-97657-38-5 [pdf volume]
Please, cite contributions in this volume as in the following example by replacing the bold parts:
Author. 2019. “Article title”. In Gli archivi sonori al crocevia tra scienze fonetiche, informatica umanistica e patrimonio digitale [Audio archives at the crossroads of speech sciences, digital humanities and digital heritage], edited by Duccio Piccardi, Fabio Ardolino, Silvia Calamai, Studi AISV 6:page–page. Milan: Officinaventuno. doi:10.17469/O2106AISV0000xx.
Methodological and practical issues in studying intonation
Vol. 5 (2019)Methodological and practical issues in studying intonation. The case of requests in Italian and Spanish task-oriented dialogues
Iolanda Alfano
e-ISBN: 978-88-97657-35-4 [pdf volume]
Speech in the natural context
Vol. 4 (2018)Il parlato nel contesto naturale [Speech in the natural context]
edited by Alessandro Vietti, Lorenzo Spreafico, Daniela Mereu, Vincenzo Galatà
e-ISBN: 978-88-97657-28-6 [pdf volume]
Please, cite contributions in this volume as in the following example by replacing the bold parts:
Author. 2018. “Article title”. In Il parlato nel contesto naturale [Speech in the natural context], edited by Alessandro Vietti, Lorenzo Spreafico, Daniela Mereu and Vincenzo Galatà, Studi AISV 4:page–page. Milan: Officinaventuno. doi:10.17469/O2104AISV0000xx.
Social and biological factors in speech variation
Vol. 3 (2017)Fattori sociali e biologici nella variazione fonetica [Social and biological factors in speech variation]
edited by Chiara Bertini, Chiara Celata, Giovanna Lenoci, Chiara Meluzzi, Irene Ricci
e-ISBN: 978-88-97657-19-4 [pdf volume]
Please, cite contributions in this volume as in the following example by replacing the bold parts:
Author. 2017. “Article title”. In Fattori sociali e biologici nella variazione fonetica [Social and biological factors in speech variation], edited by Chiara Bertini, Chiara Celata, Giovanna Lenoci, Chiara Meluzzi and Irene Ricci, Studi AISV 3:page–page. Milan: Officinaventuno. doi:10.17469/O2103AISV0000xx.
Phonetics and language learning
Vol. 2 (2016)La fonetica nell’apprendimento delle lingue [Phonetics and language learning]
edited by Renata Savy and Iolanda Alfano
e-ISBN: 978-88-97657-16-3 [pdf volume]
Please, cite contributions in this volume as in the following example by replacing the bold parts:
Author. 2016. “Article title”. In La fonetica nell’apprendimento delle lingue [Phonetics and language learning], edited by Renata Savy and Iolanda Alfano, Studi AISV 2:page–page. Milan: Officinaventuno. doi:10.17469/O2102AISV0000xx.
Language acquisition and language loss
Vol. 1 (2015)Il farsi e il disfarsi del linguaggio. Acquisizione, mutamento e destrutturazione della struttura sonora del linguaggio [Language acquisition and language loss. Acquisition, change and disorders of the language sound structure]
edited by Mario Vayra, Cinzia Avesani and Fabio Tamburini
e-ISBN: 978-88-97657-11-8 [pdf volume]
Please, cite contributions in this volume as in the following example by replacing the bold parts:
Author. 2015. “Article title”. In Il farsi e il disfarsi del linguaggio. Acquisizione, mutamento e destrutturazione della struttura sonora del linguaggio [Language acquisition and language loss. Acquisition, change and disorders of the language sound structure], edited by Mario Vayra, Cinzia Avesani and Fabio Tamburini, Studi AISV 1:page–page. Milan: Officinaventuno. doi:10.17469/O2101AISV0000xx.